From [email protected] Wed Aug 13 15:06 MET 1997 Date: Wed, 13 Aug 1997 15:06:42 +0200 From: Patrick SchoullerSubject: Conference de Barcelone DGSI-SERICS-SDPI-277-PS La Commission europeenne ( programme Applications Telematiques) et les Autorites espagnoles annoncent la tenue de la conference telematique intitulee EUROPEAN TELEMATICS : ADVANCING THE INFORMATION SOCIETY Elle est prévue à BARCELONE du 4 au 7 fevrier 1998 le preprogramme dont nous disposons est le suivant : AIMS OF THE CONFERENCE The Telematics Applicatons programme has been the drinving force for the debelopment of societal applications of information and communications technologies in Euroep over the last 10 fears. The programme has brought together users, industry and researchers in shaping leading edge technologies into applications for the European Information Society. With its focus on meeting the needs of users, the programme has helped promote the competitivness of European Industry, improve the delivery of services of public interest, and stimulate job creation. Now the results and achievments of the Telematics Applications Programme and visions of future perspectives will be featured during this significant four day event in Barcelona. This event will be of key relevance to some 2 to 3 000 people : programmes participants, industrialists (informatics, telecommunications, transport, health, multimedia, etc..) users and decision makers. It will be a platform for : - disseminating and demonstrating the achievments, results and impacts of the Telematics Applications Programme (TAP) - exploring visions of the future of societal applications of telematics - explaining the role of the Fifth Framework Programme of R &D (1998-2002) in realising these futures - bringing projects together to share expertise on state of the art in the telematics technologies and applications To meet the needs of a large and diverse audience, the event will run over three days of formal sessions and include a large exhibition of demonstrations and telematics developments. it will then bring the Information Society closer to the citizen. WEDNESDAY 4 TH FEBRUARY : ANNUAL CONCERTATION MEETING The first day will concentrate on cross sectoral inputs on state of the art developments in telematics infrastructures and applications. there will be keynote presentations from experts in industry, research and the Commission plus parallel sessions on the following topics : multimedia, multilinguality, electronic publishing, intelligent and virtual environment, communication services, www technologies, design for all, human/machine interfaces, security and confidentiality, card and contactless payment systems, integrated applications for digital sites, exploitation and dissemination. THURSDAY 5 TH FEBRUARY : TELEMATICS AT YOUR SERVICE The second day of the conference will give an overview of the achievements of the Telematics Applications Programme over the last ten years. it will feature dynamic presentations of representative applications from the TAP plus remotely accessed and live inputs from high level experts, industrialists, decision makers, parliamentarians, Commissioners and Ministers. Parallel sessions will feature the work of the TAP sectors in greater detail and bring together decision makers, key users, industrialists and programme actors to share and present their knowledge of the TAP's impacts and outcomes. FRIDAY 6 TH FEBRUARY : LOOKING TO THE 5TH RTD FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME The third day of the conference will focus on the upcoming 5th framework Programme for Research and Technological development. it will feature visions of societal applications of the future. Sessions will be organised under two key thematic strands and additionally, will include a session on generic research. the strands include : - systems and services for the citizens will cover information Society Technology R & D in health, Ageing and Disabillity, Public Administration, Environment, transport - Multimedia content and tools will cover Information Society technology R & D in Educationand training, language technology, Interactive Electronic Publishing, information Access and filtering THURSDAY 5TH TO SATURDAY TH FEBRUARY : TAP EXHIBITION There will be a large exhibition offering visitors an opportunity to view and follow up on the projects highlighted in day 2 as well as demonstrations and dispalys of the work programme and projects. the exhibition will be laid out as thematic sector villages highlighting the key projects, surrounted by smaller exhibitions of projects, and others stands for digital sites, 5th FWP information, information /help desk The invitation, programme and registration and practical detail will be send in september. But for further details consult the TAP Web site at : or email : [email protected] or contact : Margot DONKERSLOOT CONCORD PROJECT CSC DATACENTRALEN 14 avenue d'Hyppocrate B 1932 WOLUWE ST ETIENNE BELGIQUE telephone : 32 2 714 75 95 fax :32 2 721 33 57 if you wish to ensure that you receive an invitation, please send your full address and contact details to : invite-request@cscdc FEE registration fee : 250 ECU ( a special fee of 100 ECU/personn is offered to cover the participation of 2 people maximum par TAP project. This fee covers registration, documentation, lunches and coffee break for the three days; **************************************************************** Patrick SCHOULLER MINISTERE DE L'ECONOMIE, DES FINANCES ET DE L'INDUSTRIE SECRETARIAT D'ETAT A L'INDUSTRIE, AUX POSTES ET TELECOMMUNICATIONS Direction Generale des Strategies Industrielles 3/5 rue Barbet de Jouy 75353 PARIS 07 SP Telephone : + 33 1 43 19 34 25 Telecopie : + 33 1 43 19 35 51 ****************************************************************