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From [email protected] Sat Feb 22 10:47 MET 1997
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 10:48:53 -0600
From: Patrick Schouller 


Suite à notre entretien téléphonique de ce jour, veuillez trouver
ci-joint une description en Anglais de notre société.
Nous cherchons actuellement des réseaux pédagogiques importants ( au
moins une cinquantaine d'établissements connectés ou en voie de l'être=
pour mettre en place un réseau de réseau visant à expérimenter la
formation à distance et le travail collaboratif. Les réseaux doivent
également être soutenus par les autorités locales.

In order to apply to the Educational Multimedia Software Call, we are
looking for regional networks of schools and universities ( more than 50
connected or to be connected ) in order to experiment the use of
networks and groupware in new way of teaching. In France we have the
regional plateform of Picardie Region - EDUCAPOLE - as test-bed.

For further information :

Robert BECKER  - IMExpert  ( Ingenierie Multimedia Expert )
5 rue Jacob Mayer          F - 67200 STRASBOURG
Tel. :  00 33 (0)3 88 77 73 77        Fax : 00 33 (0)3 88 77 73 75
Visioconferencing : 00 33 (0)3  88 77 74 96
E-mail  : [email protected]        E-mail2 :  [email protected]
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Ingéniérie Multimédia Expert


IMexpert is a Company which is specialised in multimedia production and
software (CD-Rom, Internet, Intranet, databases, networks,...), and also in
counselling and engineering by the use of multimedia technologies, mainly in
the sphere of education and training in France and in several European=

IMexpert gathers considerable skills with :
w A team of highly qualified professionals whose international expertise is
based on an eleven years experience.
w A client list mostly consisting of European and national institutions as
well as private companies.
w Attractive references.
w A wide and versatile range of operations, especially in international


Multimedia production

IMexpert has a real advising and realisation potential in training or
information systems using images, sounds, computer technology and, if
necessary, networks.
We also combine this with experience of the communication market which uses
the same technologies.

Multimedia engineering

The expertise of IMexpert in multimedia programmes on a large scale
(European) or more localised (businesses) has been used for or in
association with various organisations.


Creation : 	December 1995
Staff : 	a crew of 11 internal and more than 18 external collaborators
Turn over : 	2,1 MF in 1996 	5,9 MF for 1996	prevision :  9,1 MF in 1997
Offices :  	Strasbourg (Head Office) - Paris - Amiens (Picardie) - Dijon
European Programs : 	ADAPT - COMETT - EUROFORM - FSE - HELIOS - INFO 2000 -
Partner and Clients : Alsace Regional Authority, Anglia Polytechnic
University (UK), BNP, CGTP-IP (P), Council of Europe, Department of Work and
Employment, Essex County Council (UK), European Parliament, Euroinsitut
(D),IRCAD, Land Baden-Württemberg (D), Ministry of Education, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, OOE-Landesregierung (A), Picardie Region, Promi (SP),
University of Strasbourg, ...

National Centre of Regional and Public Service
We study, supervise and install a long-distance training scheme for regional
officers. We support several European projects using information
technologies and multimedia.

Confederation of Artisans and Small Building Businesses
Training construction workers in computer technology and in computer data
exchange (France, Italy, Portugal) : using interactive videodisks and=

Picardie Region
Creation and implementation of the use of a training network (Intranet) with
the schools in Picardie in collaboration with the region and the teachers.


A few of our products which are available on the market :
w Evolur'om
 Evolur'om will help craftsmen to understand the benefit of the use of
computing technology in the context of every day management of their=
w Handynet
European Multimedia Database on CD-Rom of disability equipment - More than
40.000 Items and 4.000 illustrations about all the material available in
Europe .
¨ and also : The Intergovernmental Conference (Information CD-Rom) - What
Number Please? (Training CD-Rom for France Telecom operators) - The Logic
Business (training course) - La Recherche en France (Presentation CD-ROM)...


w Educapole
Educapole is a the biggest educational network in France (27 schools and
teaching organisations connected). The aim is to develop the use of the IT
for collaborative work by the teachers and open access to courses,
exercises, information and communication for the pupils.


¨ ADAPT - QUASAR : Qualification for SME's in the Building Areas ( F- I=
 - SP )
¨ INFO 2000 - WEBS : World Electronic Book of Surgery with IRCAD (F - I -=
 A - D)
¨ LEONARDO - CD-ROM Vaincre les Distances ( P - F - UK)
¨ LEONARDO - FOQUALE - Teaching and qualification for Local and Familial
Employees ( F - I - UK - P)
¨ Telematics Application Program : TeleRegion Site User Network for
Training, health, teleworking and Information ( D -I - SP - A - F - UK )
¨ and also : DG V - HELIOS - DG XIII - European Parliament - ERA -=
                        Patrick SCHOULLER
	  Direction Generale des Strategies Industrielles
	     3/5 rue Barbet de Jouy 75353 PARIS  07 SP
Telephone : + 33 1 43 19 34 25
Telecopie : + 33 1 43 19 35 51
